
Letteratura fotografica

This is a series of comments on a little collection of rare Italian photographic books and publications shown in conjunction with the exhibition Forma/Informe held at Galleria Civica d’arte moderna e contemporanea, Torino, June- November 2020.
We will discover various books such as Occhio Quadrato (1941), 8 fotografi italiani d’oggi (1942), Fotografia (1943) Immagini Giuseppe Cavalli (1946), Lucio Ridenti Occhio Magico (1944 ), Il messaggio dalla camera oscura (1949), Conversazione in Sicilia 7ma ed. (1953), Venise à fleur d’eau (1954), Un Paese (1955), Milano, Italia (1959), and will learn on their importance for the history of modern Italian photography.


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