Quattro storie d’amore

e di fotografia


“Manifesto coraggioso della Fotografia innamorata”


Jaca Book – 2021

Quattro storie d’amore e di fotografia deals with love in photography, an “unmanageable” topic of the field of photography studies. This thoroughly original book, interrogates the history and theory of photography as well as psychoanalysis, contemporary physics, ancient wisdom traditions and offers one of the first holistic study on photography.

Scanned according to four parts or movements Quattro storie d’amore e di fotografia identifies images which assert love in all its various stages and degrees of intensity.
The Surrealist Photographic Loving Condition examines the notion of Beauté Convulsive, as it is theorized in Nadja (1928) and L’Amour Fou (1935), which instructs on the consequences of passionate love.
W. Eugene Smith ‘s Enamoured Photoessays considers Country Doctor (1948) and Nurse Midwife (1951) which portray a pietas love, an higher dimension of love whose outcomes are as unforeseen as surprising .
Gandhi and the Spinning Wheel (1946) or the loving icon analyzes the famous Margaret Bourke White’s picture understood as a sacred image and a program of universal human solidarity.
The loving discourse of family photography, submits a long meditation on photographs of distant or lost parents and relatives. These images of family and loved ones are considered as the first introduction and instruction to love, which is the deepest, most vital and long lasting among all human feelings.


La foto che parla, a cura di:
Gruppo Fotografico Luce Iblea

Ragusa (evento su facebook)

15 February 2022

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Quattro storie d’amore e di fotografia, con:
Claudio Pastrone e Michele Smargiassi

XXIVma edizione Donna Fotografa,
Salone C.R.D.C., Torino

16 October 2021

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Quattro Storie d’amore e di fotografia, con:
Riccardo Passoni

Circolo dei Lettori, Torino

15 September 2021

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Libera il libro:
Il piacere di leggere e di scrivere

21 June 2021


Radio 3 – Fahrenheit
16 August 2021

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Radio 3 – Suite
14 August 2021