Contributions to exhibition catalogues

This section gathers a selection of my contributions to some exhibitions catalogues which I make available both for perusal and download.



Six regards photographiques sur l’insularité

Isolario italiano: visioni e riflessioni, pp.8-17 in Sandro Cappelli, edited by, Arcipelaghi Six regards photographiques sur l’insularité, Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Paris, Spring 2021

Catalogue: Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Paris, 2021. Italian and French

An analysis of works by six photographers focusing on the living conditions of inhabitants of little-known and remote Italian islands.

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Silenzio della Superficie

Silenzio della Superficie

La forma del colore. Fotografie di Maurizio Briatta 1983-2001 pp.25-33 in Riccardo Passoni edited by, Silenzio della Superficie, Villa Remmert, Ciriè – Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, GAM, Torino, October 6 2002-January 6 2003

Catalogue: GAM, Torino, 2002. Italian.

Reflections on the “Heimlich” in the photoworks by Turin photographer Maurizio Briatta.

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Luoghi come paesaggi

Luoghi come paesaggi

Note in margine all’immagine fotografica di Paesaggio pp.16-21 in William Guerrieri, Guido Guidi, Maria Rosaria Nappi edited by Luoghi come Paesaggi, Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze, October 20 2000 – January 6 2001.

Catalogue: Linea di Confine, Reggio Emilia. Italian and English.

An interrogation on the category of landscape in the history of visuality and an analysis of its progressive transmutation with the advent of globalism.

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Via Emilia

Via Emilia

La via Emilia o del sentire etico del paesaggio pp. 9-12 in William Guerrieri edited by, Via Emilia, L’Ospitale, Rubiera (Reggio Emilia), May 20 – June 18, 2000.

Catalogue: Linea di Confine, Rubiera (Reggio Emilia), 2000. Italian.

The essay considers the notion of landscape in the Italian cultural history and its connections with Luigi Ghirri’s photography understood as “ethical consciousness” of places. It also analyses the works by photographers contributing to the Linea di Confine project.

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Oggi nessuno può dirsi neutrale

Oggi nessuno può dirsi neutrale

Quando nessuno può dirsi neutrale. La Rappresentazione della nuova socialità nel lavoro di William Guerrieri in Cristina Busin, Marion Piffer, Hildegard Thurner, Renzo Semprini, edited by, William Guerrieri Oggi nessuno può dirsi neutrale, Ar/Ge Kunst Galerie Museum, Bolzano March 20 – April 18 1998; Musei Comunali, Galleria dell’Immagine, Rimini, September 19 – October 17 1998.

Catalogo: Ar/Ge Kunst, Bolzano. Italian and English.

An essay on William Guerrieri’s work updating the geography of the working places which define public sphere of our post -industrial contemporary society beginning with the early 1990s.

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Giuseppe Cavalli

Giuseppe Cavalli

Fotografie 1936-1961

Giuseppe Cavalli, un “irregolare” nella fotografia italiana del dopoguerra pp.16-21 in Assessorato alla Cultura del Comune di Lucera edited by, Giuseppe Cavalli 1936-1961, Museo Civico Fiorelli, Lucera, September 5– October 4, 1998

Catalogo: Claudio Grenzi Editore, Foggia, 1998. Italian.

First theoretical essay on Giuseppe Cavalli’s work reclaiming its primal contribution to the establishment of modern Italian photography, rescuing it from the accusation of formalism.

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L’Immagine Riflessa

L’Immagine Riflessa

La fotografia degli anni del Postmodernismo pp.25-31 in Antonella Soldaini edited by L’Immagine Riflessa, Pecci, Prato, April 1- May 28 1995.

Catalogue: Museo Pecci, Prato. Italian and English

An analysis on the impact of postmodern photographic theory on European and Italian photography.

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Immaginando il Sé pp.19-23 in Francesca Pasini and Giorgio Verzotti edited by, soggettoSoggetto, Castello di Rivoli, June 24 – August 28 1994.

Catalogue Charta, Milano, 1994. Italian.

This essay address the lost of subjectivity with the advent of postmodern society crowded with oblivious and bewildered individuals and analyses some visual strategies of resistance devised by women photographers opposing both the disappearance of subjectivity and sexual “indifference”.

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